Current track



Current show

Rock Mix

9:00 am 11:00 am

Upcoming show

Rock Mix Request

11:00 am 1:00 pm


Want to help out? In addition to on-air talent, the station needs volunteers to help with fundraising, writing, technical support, and various other projects. If you’d like to get involved, check out our applications below.

Want to be a DJ?

We are home to an all-volunteer DJ crew of passionate music lovers who dedicate their time to spreading that love over the airwaves. If you have the drive to curate a weekly show and rock the mic at Downtown Radio, we want to hear from you.

We have three formats:

Rock Mix (Monday-Friday, 7am-7pm): Downtown Radio’s rock mix is an eclectic, carefully curated amalgam of deep cuts and minor hits spanning the entire spectrum of rock music—from the ’50s to now, with at least one local artist played per hour and one song from before 1970.

Rock Specialty (Monday-Friday, 7pm-1am; Saturdays, 7am-1am): These are shows rooted in particular subgenres of rock, like punk, prog, metal, synthpop, darkwave, garage, shoegaze, space rock, etc.

Genre Specialty (Sundays, 7am-1am): Sundays are dedicated to all non-rock shows, such as talk and interview shows, or music shows featuring soul, hip hop, dance, international, jazz, blues, and more.

If you’re pitching a specialty show in your application, please browse through our Shows page first to be sure you’re not pitching a show we already have on the schedule.

Want to lend a hand?

There are plenty of ways to volunteer for Downtown Radio that don’t include being an on-air personality—from IT and tech support, studio maintenance, and bookkeeping, to fundraising, underwriting/sales, and grant writing. Every role is important to studio operations and growth.